Program Title: Sport and Physical Science-30 hrs CPID Course
Total Credits: 30

London APR is strong links with regional and national sporting organisations, local hospitals and authorities, and health and fitness centers helps students get to know potential future employers. You will also gain first-hand experience of how Sport and Physicla Sciences can be applied in working environments. There is a major focus on career planning for both employment and further study at all stages in the Sport and plysical exercise course. Please see below our 30hrs course for you as

  • Introduction to Sport and Exercise Physiology (10hrs)

    To appreciate how exercise can improve any component of physical fitness or health, students’ must first understand how the body responds and adapts to an exercise stimulus. Physiology is the study of function and in this module, students will explore the short- and long-term physiological adaptations that occur in response to exercise. An exercise physiologist may be called upon to assess cell, organ and system responses to exercise and this module provides students with the opportunity to gain experience with a range of physiological research techniques.

  • Mechanics of Human Movement (10 hrs)

    Biomechanics can be defined as the study of movement and a biomechanical analysis can provide invaluable information for improving sporting technique, preventing injuries and in developing new and more effective sporting equipment. This module introduces students to the theoretical and applied aspects of sport and exercise biomechanics and allows them to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively evaluate fundamental human movement patterns.

  • Applied Sport Psychology (10 hrs)

    Every athlete is required to excel in an environment that will challenge both their physical and mental resilience. Indeed, an athlete’s psychological state has the potential to help or hinder their final attainment. Mental preparation has many positive implications for sports performance and numerous psychological interventions can be implemented within these environments to create a real and meaningful mental advantage. This module allows students to critically explore the application of these interventions, utilising the most recent theoretical models.